The pink or blue question is a moot one these days, isn’t it? After all, it’s so easy to tell the gender of a baby before the happy day, so there’s no need to guess. Well, that’s not strictly true. Even with the advances in technology, ultrasound pictures aren’t always one hundred percent certain, and […]
Living With Pets Keeping Your Baby Safe
So, up to this point, your dog or cat has been your baby, but now there’s a little human on the way. It is normal and, in fact, wise to be concerned about how the two are going to mix. The chances are very good that everything will work quite well and your pet and […]
Using A Baby Hand And Footprint As A Gift
I am sure that you have been in a situation where you didn’t know what to get for your parents or your mom and dad in law. Maybe it was their birthday or maybe it was for Christmas or maybe you just wanted to give them a present. Nevertheless it can sometimes be a challenge […]
Theme For Your Baby Shower
It is always a great joy to have someone added to your family, especially if it is a cute little baby. And how else would you celebrate the joy of having one? Plan the most fun and unique baby shower you’ll ever have. Preparing for a baby shower should be fun and exciting. You can […]
Guide And Tips For Your New Baby
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a new baby! Now, on to the serious stuff. You are going to get yourself prepared for your new baby, mentally, physically and you will need to adjust your house and car for the new baby too! Mentally preparing for the new baby Remember this, women adjust to […]
The Importance Of Baby Sleep
All living creatures need sleep. Sleeping gives people and all living creatures the time for the body to recuperate and regenerate. Lion’s needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep, while primates, ten to twelve hours of sleep. Humans need on average six to eight hours sleep to rejuvenate. Human babies need a full eight hours […]
Top 10 Companies That Offer Baby Freebies
By the time you find out you’re pregnant (pregnancy test $15) to the time junior blows out the candles on his first birthday cake (cake $20), parents can expect to spend upwards of $18,000. And that’s on baby’s first year alone. By the time junior reaches 18, the average middle-income family will spend $160,140, according […]